[I ate the gingerbread Jarvis,] says Tony. [I may yet come to regret eating the gingerbread Jarvis.]
[I helped a little, with the roof and the top floor,] says Soph. [But I knew when to quit.]
[You guys,] says Bella, [are cute. Everyone's going to coo over you at the next Bellparty.]
[Am I gonna, like, get mobbed by curious Tonies?] wonders Soph, sounding like she isn't sure if this is a welcome prospect or not.
[I will have to think about that. I mean, they might not remember me even a little? Did the spell reach into other worlds?]
[Might be because Jarvis can talk to them, depending on how it works. I didn't ask the admin while I was there - she'd know, she judgesighted me.]
[Yeah, I think I will. If that's how it works I might want to, like, wish everybody not-a-carrier for the spell. If Aurora wants her end of the conversations we had about our respective sisters later instead of just having me repeat them for her, she's got coins coming out of her ears and no native opacity, she can do it that way.] Bella disentangles from Sherlock with a parting kiss and heads for a door. "Can I get me some Milliways, please, Jarvis?"
Goodbye Sunshine. Hello Downside? Maybe she can do it without a star this time; she thinks about being technically dead and tries it.
[Hey,] Bella asks, [sorry to bother you - do you by any chance know me to have a sister?]
[That,] says Bella, [is interesting. Would you object strenuously if, to test a hypothesis, I did something that might cause you to remember me having a sister?]
Door. Door Sunshine. "Hey Sherlock, want to play Magical Typhoid Carrier? The admin does not remember Soph."
[How about now?] she asks the admin.