While they are enjoying their tasty pies, one of their hallmates - Corrine, the girl who spoke with Celo in the lounge the day he and Bella met - sidles into the kitchen. Celo grins and offers her a pie. She grins and takes it, along with a comfortable seat in his lap. He wraps his arms around her waist and tucks her shoulder under his chin.
"Hi," he says affectionately. "Do you guys know each other?"
"We've met, yeah," says Bella, "I don't think we have any classes together or anything."
"Subtle arts," agrees Bella, nodding. She is still nibbling on the second of her pies.
"I don't make a lot of pies, no. I can cook some but I'm not as good at it or as serious about it as Celo. Mostly I learn about minds and how to poke them."
"Some of it is. I'm not very good at telekinesis, for instance. Most of the rest of it is just like - learning to orient myself in an unfamiliar location, over and over until unfamiliar locations aren't."
Bella finishes her pie, decides against taking a third, and starts on a set of flashcards, glancing at the cuddling pair now and again.
They don't seem to be absconding - or for that matter not absconding - to go have sex. Huh.
Bella finishes her deck of flashcards, and then peers at them again, and then departs the room to do some thinking.