Etty keeps flying until just past noon or until she sees some form of habitation, and then she turns around and goes east.
Etty lands a ways away from the farmhouse, and she changes, and she approaches slowly.
Etty turns around, finds a private place to change again, and flies back to the lake.
Nearly every spell that accomplishes something interesting involves a component that is either sacrificial in some way or just plain disgusting. There is a loose category of cleaning spells that only need water and occasionally soap for the setup - a common thread is that once set up, many spells can be repeated by an effort of will or a token gesture - but that is really about it.
Etty decides she is going to be Library Person and Nona, who plainly has a higher or possibly nonexistent disgust threshold, can be the Actual Spellcasting Person barring emergencies. Etty does find some soap and water and re-casts the spell that kept the castle clean by herself, though.
Etty watches her for a long moment. She can't go have dinner by herself, the kitchen only responds to Nona; she decides to lie down with Nona till she wakes up.
She kisses the back of Nona's head and snuggles closer.
"Hi," says Etty. "I found a farm, but no one was home, or they didn't want to answer the door."