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William Laurence on Voyager
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Chakotay instantly trains his phaser on Jal Miran. He'd been waiting for something like this, but he still doesn't see it. They scanned the delegation for energy sources before they boarded, so they can't have guns. Voyager can simply raise shields and the shuttlecraft will be unable to dock.


"Shields up!"

Janeway is also covering the delegation with her phaser, now.

"What is this?"


"The shuttles are about to hit our shields!"


"I'm sure this must be some sort of misunderstanding-"


The lights flicker.



The kazon delegation draw knives hidden inside their clothes.


Chakotay attempts to fire. But as he already half-expected when the he saw the knives, his phaser just makes a sad chirp instead of shooting the Kazon.


Harry is oblivious to the drama playing out in the next room.
"Captain, shields are down! Some sort of damping field!"


There's a reason boarding is never attempted against a remotely functional starship. Despite the knives, and whatever they've done to her phaser, Janeway is vastly more heavily armed than anybody else in this room.

"Computer, repel boarders!"


The kazon delegation is beamed up. Janeway has about a minute to decide if she wants to beam them back down somewhere before the pattern buffer decays.


Janeway strides onto the bridge.

"Mr Kim, report!"


"The Kazon have a dampening field up. Phasers, torpedos, shields, engines are all down. Forcefields are down. Transporter was up but we just lost it. It looks like it's affecting them as well, so at least they're not going to be able to just blow us up. But 3 more shuttles just landed in the shuttle bay. I can't reach anybody down there."


"The atmosphere in the shuttle bay is held in by forcefield when the shuttle bay doors are open, which they were. Anybody who was in the shuttle bay is dead."


"Red alert!"

"Janeway to Lieutenant Tuvok." 


"Yes captain?"


Laurence freezes when he hears the klaxons and sees the flashing lights, then rolls to his feet out of the exercise he was doing and waits, tensely.

He's technically not a civilian anymore, but there's little he can do without much more information.


"We have boarders in the shuttle bay. They're using some sort of damping field. Phasers and transporters are offline. I need you to hold the ship."


"Janeway to Torez."

What are her priorities. Top priority is dealing with the boarders. Any of the disabled systems would suffice, actually. The transporter would be most effective, but phasers would let them take advantage of their numerical superiority, forcefields would let them isolate the boarders, and warp would let them escape the damping field and then use the transporters. So really warp would be best.

"I need my ship systems back. Priority order is warp drive, transporters, forcefields, then phasers, but speed is critical here, so focus on the fastest solution if one is significantly faster."


What are his priorities.

First, he must maintain control of the bridge and engineering. As long as they can keep control of both those sections of the ship long enough to for Lieutenant Torres to get some of the ship's systems back online, their victory is assured.

His secondary priority must be to protect the crew. Since the boarders are likely going to focus on gaining control of key ship systems (that is to say, the bridge and engineering), and since they won't have functional energy weapons, most likely the crew will be safe in their quarters.

He needs to get to his station on the bridge to coordinate this properly. But main engineering is extremely close to the shuttle bays: he needs to send security there right now.


Unsurprisingly, the class for former rebels is low on security.

"Ensign Laurence. Accompany Lieutenant Torres to main engineering. We must hold it against the boarders or the ship will be lost. I will send reinforcements as soon as I am able."


"Yes, sir." Pause. Another wretched question to ask, but his very life might depend upon it. "Phasers are-- off the line?"


It is a reflection of the state of the ship that Ensign Laurence, who was conjured from a historical holonovel and does not, for example, know what "offline" means, is still probably the 3rd* most useful person in this room.

"They are not functional. The Kazon have done something that prevents phasers and other ship systems from working."

*Tuvok does not like Lieutenant Torres. He thinks she is insubordinate, unprofessional, personally abrasive, and a mutiny risk. This does not cause him to underestimate her engineering prowess. She is the most useful person in this room, followed by himself.


Laurence may be ignorant, but he's not stupid. He glances around the room for a replicator and spots one by the door, then jogs over to Torres. He ducks his head slightly and asks, "Sir. Shall we replicate arms?"

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