"All right," says Cantha, rolling up the scroll. "Do we - sign something, or anything of that nature?"
Cantha turns back to her. "You're a witch," she says.
"Not exactly."
Cantha's eyes narrow. "Sorceress?"
"Same answer."
Cantha purses her lips. "Magician."
"So you could help us with the witchwells so we wouldn't be so collectively powerless."
"Possibly," demurs Bella. "I'd need to think about it. I have other projects and I'm staying at the castle, which is some days' travel away."
"We would be interested in - exchanging knowledge," Cantha says, "if you happened to have the time for it."
"Thank you," says Bella, noncommittal but smiling.
Cantha shakes Bella's hand, and then looks dubiously at the diplomat and offers him her hand too.
Cantha shakes her head. "We've been able to find everything we need, thank you."
And that really does seem to be it.
The delegation turns around and starts tromping home.
Bella feels pretty pleased with herself.
"Thanks," says Bella. "I hope the dragons will be happy with the results."
"Are they going to object if I teach a bunch of wizards' wives how to kindle witchwells so they can supply the wizards with spellpower? Even Reformist wizards?"
When they arrive, Sherlock is waiting at the castle gate, under the arch of the Skyvault.
Bella trots right up to her as fast as her moccasins will allow and hugs her.
Of course. But unless she has a helmet on she is getting a kiss armor or no armor.
"Everything turned out well," Bella reports. "This wizard faction are Reformists and they don't get along with the Orthodox wizards and they promise to behave themselves."
"I am so pleased," says Sherlock. "Let's let the rest of them tell Mother. I would like to reacquaint myself with my betrothed."
"Okay," says Bella, beaming. "Reacquaintance sounds good!"