It's three in the morning in the Swan household, and someone is crying quietly in the living room.
Bella's just gonna -
+Is there blood in the carpet?+ she asks, opening her eyes.
+Don't be sorry. You don't have to be sorry. Can we fix it, though, this'd be kind of a mess to explain to Charlie?+
+Fuck, I don't know,+ he says. +You've been getting pretty good at matter manipulation - I bet you could do it with a long-form incantation.+
Finally she says, "Banish yourself, blood, disappear from the fibers of the carpet."
There's a fair amount of it, but when it's gone, it's gone.
Brilliance hugs her.
Bella leans her head back on the sofa again. And closes her eyes again. +I'll wake Lexi if I go back up. I'm gonna sleep here. Can you - wake me up at six? In three hours? Please?+
+Thanks,+ slurs Bella, and she nestles her head into a sofa cushion and sighs and sleeps.
Then he says, +Hey, wake up.+
Bella shifts and yawns awake. +Morning, Brilliance.+ She lifts her head and winces and rubs the back of her neck.
One-armed hug because she has an awful crick in her neck. +Hope I didn't pester you talking in my sleep.+
+Okay. How're you doing? Do you need anything? I don't know what to do for you.+
+I think... I don't wanna be cards again for a while,+ he says. +I'll go wander around your planet while you're in school.+
+Okay. Be careful? Please? I don't want anything else bad to happen to you.+
Bella slips out of his arms and upstairs. A few minutes later she's down again, sighs at the clock, and starts fixing pancakes because she has time and might as well.
+Yeah. You want chocolate chips or apple or banana slices on yours?+