"One of Them who would take such action, did Tialle go on to live the rest of her life not betrayed back into Their hands, would be an unconventional sort."
She is not still seven years old. (If she were, she wouldn't be here; the elves on this expedition are many of them young but none of them children.)
"I believe he and the sculptor may be one and the same."
"I believe this also," says Magania. "And I believe that everyone's interests would be best served did we remain the only people on this island who knew as much. You mentioned a Bondmate. From what little I know of Their magic, with that kind of power at his command Tialle's friend could at need cause the seas to rise and swallow this island whole. I would rather he did not perceive such a need, at least not while we are all still on it."
"I do not believe he wishes us harm. I am myself unharmed," Isibel points out. "But certainly any reasonable person will defend himself, if attacked."
"Perhaps if we continue on a bit, he will hear me if I call. I believe he is with his dragon, now, and I do not much wish to keep the dragon's company," murmurs Isibel, and she proceeds through the forest.
When they reach the spot where Isibel stopped when she bolted from the dragon, Isibel calls in the direction of the cave. "Hello! I've come back!"
He asks Magania a question.
"It might reduce the total amount of offense in this conversation if you told him that elves do not like questions," Isibel suggests softly.
The demon speaks again, nervous and impatient. His tail slaps repeatedly against the trunk of a tree next to him.