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we’re going to need a new name for Seelah’s horse
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And Valiant Victory will head off to explore the festival as well.


There are a lot of things she could do here, even if she's currently conversationally impaired when it comes to making friends. She could throw darts to impress people with how dexterous her hooves are, sample the free festival food or drinks, run an obstacle course, listen or dance to music, go window shopping to see if any of the trinkets catch her eye...

Alternatively, if she wants to try her hand at social interaction anyway she could make an effort at that as well. There's what looks to be a noble of some sort complaining to a bunch of their fellows about something incomprehensible while idly waving a drink in one hand, a group of teenage boys hyping each other up as they take turns going at a training dummy with wooden swords, or even a few bizarre looking earth ponies* wearing bridles connected to a post nearby some wagons.



Apparently the translation magic gives her the ability to understand the aliens' language, but not to speak it. She really should have asked more questions about the language situation while she could. Unfortunately, there's not much she can do about that now. know what, she'll try to talk to the weird looking giant earth ponies. It would be surprising for them to speak her language, but more likely than that any of the bipedal aliens do.

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