"Aurum's fun," says Queenie. "Jokes loves it there. Careful a vampire doesn't get stuck on ya, though."
"Because that worked out so poorly for him?" Cam chuckles. "But yeah, probably worth checking with the Imperial Seer there first."
"Jokes and Nate turned out all right, but they could've been pretty well fucked up," says Queenie.
"Of course Alice can check first," Golden says. "Even the Joker wouldn't have gotten far without getting checked over if it weren't for Nathan's timer telling him to visit Elspeth right then."
"If Nathan shows up, I'm sure Jokes will tear himself away from your sweetheart long enough to come be gooey at him and you can see for yourself."
"This is kind of a shrimpy party," comments Aegis. "I know I don't usually bring that many people, but some of us have generally got entourages."
"They are coming at a bit of a rapid clip now, and Jane seems to time-sync all the worlds she's in, so it's the same rapid clip for everyone," Stella points out. "I was surprised we got as many attendees as we did for Rose's party, and I'm not surprised that some people have Bell-party fatigue."
"Maybe more notice would've helped. I'm sure I'll meet everybody of import eventually, though. Matilda, how d'you suppose you and the other you are going to wind up in the nicknames department?"
"I met the other Matilda when we were both six," Shell Bell tells Tilly. "But then I lost track of her for years. She's got magic too, but it's not like what Jane's telling me about the kind on your world."
"Jane's got a node in her world, so you don't have to wait for the next party," Shell Bell says.
"I mean, I can tell you about what it's like to be me, but I think insofar as I'm distinct from you eight it's going to be in about the same ways any of you are distinct from each other," Cam says. "I'm fine with being the boy one - till we find more, anyway, which we might do, you know - but I'm just as much the wizard one."
"Fair enough," says Pattern. "I don't even have an identifying feature yet, let alone two. My aura didn't even help."