"Hi!" says an angel-shaped Petaal, wearing clothes for the sake of not banning Bellifluous visitors.
Petaal's aura screams pet me!!! - Kas's is similar, but much more toned down.
"Somebody wants attention," laughs Amariah, and she flops down to obey the auras. "I hope it doesn't look the same to everyone, you'd be in trouble then."
"Which in your case is lots," says Kas, cuddling up. "We love you."
[Hey everybody!] says Jane. [There's a new Bell! This one is a boy who goes by Cam. He has a Joker and a Matilda.]
Meanwhile, assorted Bells appear to have a look at their counterpart, and the party invitation goes out to the usual suspects.
Queenie climbs out from under the remaining pile of her alts and scoops Cam up into the snuggliest hug of his life. Jellybean can have some too.
Amariah, from her spot in the heap, says, "I gotta say I did not expect a boy Bell. Path doesn't count and he's the closest we've historically come."
"Yeah, well, if you told me about alts without describing mine, I would not have expected to be girls," Cam snorts. "I have been told that I should 'try' you."
Amariah looks him up and down. "Sure, sometime," she says. "Not sure when will be good. Everyone's gonna want you meet you today."
"I have an aura of cuddly," Queenie says gleefully. "Sometimes it's also an aura of fuckable, but not when there's Bells all over the place, pretty sure they wouldn't approve."