Snuggly lovey hugs! He, too, gets the fine-tuned emotional resonance. In addition to the music.
"It turns out I get music, too. Accompaniment when I sing unless I deliberately want to be a capella," says Angela.
"We should go sing together," Micaiah asserts. His aura of innocence sparkles wickedly.
"If we sing here we'll disrupt this - whatever song this is," says Angela, "I imagine, so -" She teleports them to a spot in the garden, under arching trellises that drip cone-shaped flower clusters.
"And I don't think you want to sing with me in front of the whole deck," says Micaiah. "Not with what happens when you sing with me."
"There is that. Maybe we should be indoors somewhere with a door that closes," Angela muses. "We do sometimes sing harmonics, in public, though."
"Admittedly, no." She laughs and kisses him and teleports them again to a spare bedroom in the palace.
Angela tilts her head back and launches into a hymn. She still loves sacred music, in spite of everything, and her aura does too, it accompanies her with swelling strings and woodwinds.
His aura's mood resonance makes it very, very clear what he thinks of the experience.
It's a good thing she picked a short hymn, because this new aura feature is distracting. As soon as she amens, Micaiah's engulfed in a feathery embrace.
He flings himself into her arms and kisses her like he's drowning and her breath the only available air.
"Queenie's aura is the best aura," he says cheerfully. "Mine doesn't do anything special yet, except the music."
"Yeah, you don't seem all extra-vampirey like Golden or anything," says Stella. "That's okay, I'm still in the dark about mine, too."
"I probably just haven't done enough enchanting yet. I think we're all gonna go for one more round once we're done cuddling."
"I would complain about announcing that casually in front of such an audience but I suppose they could all guess, couldn't they," she laughs. "All right." Port!