[Yeah, thanks,] he says to Jane, and to Pattern, [It hurts a lot and it kills you, what kind of detail are you looking for here?]
Apparently nothing will do for this news but for Amariah to return to Origin and teleport to her sweeties and hug them.
[It didn't touch Beast and he was right next to me being my channel at the time. Shredded the fuck out of me, though. Like somebody put my brain in a blender and then lit it up with a flamethrower.]
[That's certainly. A vivid description.] Pattern passes this information to Jane for general propagation to the peal.
[Have you all got torching installed? I can just do that right now in case someone else slips up,] Amariah offers.
Port torch port torch port torch. [There. That'll save Jane some trouble.]
[Thanks!] says Ghosty, as spokesjoker. She flickers over to Beast and occupies him comfortably.
Amariah returns to her sweeties and kisses them both and says, "I'm going back home. I'll see you when you're auraed up to your satisfaction."
It settles out that at any given moment, the numbers of Jokers enchanting, channeling, and taking breaks are all roughly equal. Queenie does the most enchanting out of all of them; she is therefore the first one to get a little bit of aura. It's not as powerful as the Bells', but maybe that's just because the Jokers are taking it so much slower. She gets back to casting.
Stella comes by to visit her Alice once it's clear that this is going to take a while.
"Hiiiii," he says, wrapping his arms around her and showering her with kisses. "I love you."
"Fun! Fun is how," he asserts. "Queenie's got a little bit of a something, but nobody else has got shit yet, last I checked."
"You might have a little bit," Stella says. "I'm not quite sure. What do you think you'll get for your specialty stuff? I still don't know what mine does."
"You think my magic enchantress's aura does magic, huh?"
"Yep!" he says brightly. "So, I'm about up for a break, you wanna go fuck somewhere?"