"And you don't want me to make you able to look for yourself, and you don't want Jane to look, and you don't want me to talk to the judge who already knows because it's possible they've forgotten, and you probably don't want me to go to the world you lived in and have a look at its past as concerns you either."
"And there is a reason we arranged for Jane to need permission to judgesight, so I am not going to do any of those things anyway," sighs Angela, "in spite of the fact that you certainly didn't much care what Shell wanted, or what Queenie wanted, or what any of the other people you kept captive wanted." She shakes her head. "And lie detection only detects lies, not mistakes, so I can't just ask you to answer the question various ways until we find the right one."
"There's a world one of us is from where people have external souls. Usually shaped like animals. They're part of the people they belong to, I can't imagine anyone being afraid of their own, but they have separate bodies. If you had one she'd be company of sorts."
She leaves unsaid if I get what I came for.
"She - it will probably be a she, but not necessarily - won't be able to go very far away from you without it hurting, unless you stretch the distance enough to snap," says Angela. "You won't want to let anyone else touch her - other daemons are fine but you're not likely to encounter any here. I'm not sure exactly what it would be like but I'm assured that apart from the most intimate of circumstances it's to be avoided. I can give you the ability to tuck her away inside yourself whenever you like, if you want. Say when and I'll ask Jane to send you to Alethia and back to get her."