She sighs and adds another pentagon to muffle everything, the way Shell Bell's Downside memories are muffled.
"If you have a better idea for how I could understand what happened," Angela says, "I am listening."
"I didn't know it would trouble you. I have the same modification myself. I ought to have inquired." She sighs. "And I know Shell asked you to stop, asked you to let her go, asked you not to hurt her - and asked you not to hurt her again - and I know you didn't listen to her and it wasn't an innocent mistake. I need to know why, I can't just declare your template inherently evil, not when Nathaniel is ten and harmless and my brother-in-law and I have any hope of steering him into a decent adulthood."
"You could have kidnapped Shell and kept her in your basement and not tortured her," says Angela in a low voice. "I would still want to know why you did that, but it would not have been so pointlessly cruel."
"I'm nearly done. Do you know how long you have been afraid of being seen?" Angela asks.