ungoliant in majora's mask
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Majesty? She's probably sending the wrong kind of signals.

"Don't worry, child," she replies. "I don't feed on your kind. You may call me 'lady', if you'd like. What is your plea?"


"My lady, the masked Skull Kid has broken me apart and scattered my pieces," the sprite explains, still timidly. "Please, would you carry me to the fairy fountain in North Clock Town and reunite me with my sisters?"

Despite the request, she's still fluttering at a nervous distance.


Masked? How fortuitous!

"Of course, little one. Though perhaps you'd prefer to follow at a distance? I promise you're safe with me, but I don't take offense if you're frightened."


"No, I'd just get lost," she says sadly. "I'm used to being so much bigger, but I'm just a tiny part of me now. And I've never met a spider your size who wasn't cursed before! I'll go with you."

She flies forward bravely, and perches on a part of the spider's larger body, outside the ordinary space of the world. A mortal wouldn't notice, except for feeling a bit more lighthearted.


"Perhaps when you're back home, you can tell me all about these cursed spiders," she replies.

North Clock Town is no doubt to the north. Fortunately, this is the sort of world with an Inherently North Direction rather than a messy magnetosphere and social convention, making the direction obvious. She heads back out of the little alleyway.

(The compass is aligned with the clock tower, of course. This is an orderly, aesthetically pleasing little world, radially symmetrical about the clock tower, endowed with an inherent polar coordinate system. A spider finds this sort of thing charming.)


– First Day
– 06:11

But it's along her way, glancing up at the clock tower spinning out the hours, that she sees it.

That's not a moon; not exactly. It's neither a satellite at a great distance, nor a luminescent deity driving a chariot, nor any of the other typical things a moon is. Perhaps it once served the function of this place's moon and has been subverted; perhaps it's a fellow interloper from elsewhere.

It's a very large rock, easily larger than Clock Town even if not properly planetary in size, and it has a face, a face twisted into a terrible, pained grimace, and it's hard to look at beyond that. Something's wrong with it, beyond the ghastly expression on its face.

It's not a moon, because—


I descend.


—because it's descending.

Moons travel across the sky.


Perhaps the mask salesman buried the lede, here.

She wants a better look at it, if possible. That isn't the face of a moon that's happy to be falling from the sky, she thinks. It genuinely is difficult to look at, though it's hard to nail down why that is; it's not repulsive (more fascinating, in fact), and it resolves perfectly well visually.

However, she has an errand to the north! Tearing her eyes away, she circumnavigates the clock tower; there's an internal gate north of it, up a little ramp.


– First Day
– 06:17

Snap, snap, snap.

It's like a little park, perhaps. It has trees, and grass, and something that might be a slide for children, and the snapping noise of a little boy firing woefully ineffective projectiles at a balloon. It has the city's north gate to the north, manned by a sentry.


No fairies or fountains?

"Pardon me," she says to the small boy. "Do you know the way to the fairy fountain?"


"Hey, I'm playing here!" he replies indignantly. "Whoa, miss, you have a scary voice! Are you a Gerudo pirate?"


"Thank you," she replies. "No, I'm not a pirate. Stealing is awfully rude, isn't it? And it can make people much angrier than whatever you stole was worth. I don't think I'd like to be a pirate."


"Pirates steal stuff?" he asks. "I thought they sailed ships? I heard from a Zora that the Gerudo pirates are a bunch of scary women who sail ships around the Great Bay."


"Pirates are scary because they attack other ships to steal from them," she explains. "Sailors and people who live by the sea have to watch out for them. I bet if a Gerudo pirate were in the city right now, she wouldn't be able to walk up and talk to you, because the guard over there would want to arrest her. But just in case, be careful."


"I'll be careful, miss. You asked about the fairy fountain? It's up there. The Great Fairy's not in right now, though."

He points to a passage into the wall to the side, hewn of natural stone which the city must have been built around.


"Thank you for the directions," she replies with a little flourishing non-bow (it uses too many extra spatial dimensions to be one, but it looks elegant in the three usual ones).

"Perhaps you won't know of one, but when my errand at the fairy fountain is done, I'd like to find a wizard, or an astronomer, or anyone who knows about the stars and planets. Is there someone like that you've heard of?"


He looks miffed. "Nice try, miss! You're not getting into our secret clubhouse! No adults allowed!"

"Wait, are you even an adult?"


"I am, yes. Do you mean there's a child in your club who knows about the stars and planets?"


"No, he's the Professor, and he's an old man! He has a big telescope that can see everything in the sky."


"I should very much like to meet him. Don't other adults ever meet with him sometimes?"


"Well, not really... it's just us Bombers. He lets us play with his telescope, too! He's super smart and knows all about everything."

He considers. "I guess... if you really want to meet the Professor that bad... we could make you an honorary member! But you have to pass our trial!"


"I would be honored to be an honorary member," she says with a little smile. "May I hear more about the trial I'd have to pass when I return from my errand at the fairy fountain? It'll only take a short while."


"No problem, miss! I have to get the rest of the Bombers anyway!"

He runs off. His balloon continues to float, undamaged.


He looks like he's having fun! Her feelings about this are more mixed than they ordinarily would be, considering the crisis overhead.

Up a little ramp to the cave, she briskly walks. Time continues to pass.

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