"Shell Bell and Juliet are also dead," says Elspeth. "Or that would be Pattern's distinguishing feature."
"The one who was dead and just plain stayed that way without caveat until earlier today," says Elspeth, "yeah, that's her. I think she's looking for a mint-helper."
"Not personally, maybe, but Libby, I think I heard that you helped Stella interview for her extras when Alice went missing?"
"Interesting," says Slipstick. "Sure, I could lend a hand there. If she hasn't already got one by the time she leaves the party."
"So," says James, looking between Libby and Elspeth and Orfeo and Jacob, "what's with the escorts?"
"Jake is my wolf and Orfeo is Libby's," says Elspeth. "I didn't bring my pamphlets with me but - ooh." She dips into one of the bowls of squares and conjures up a few complete stacks, and hands James one on wolves.
"Her Highness does good pamphlets," laughs Orfeo. "Short version is I took one look at Libby and I was all magically gone over her, likewise Jake and the Princess."
"Well, two kinds of it," says Elspeth. "Stella's precog Mary has been helping with the wolves, and now that Aunt Alice has cleared up her blind spots she can do it herself - and she was already keeping a lookout for problematic instances of the vampire version."
"It's much better than having it happen at random. I'm happy to have Jake, but it was alarming at the time."
"Elspeth was five and wasn't sure if her mother was alive at the time, and -" Jacob begins. "But - man, you know well as I do that Whose Imprint Is Best fights never get anywhere."
Slipstick looks between them and grins. After a moment, so does Granny.
Elspeth pats her wolf on the arm. "So he's my bodyguard, although the title is less essential now that we've got wishcoins going spare," she says. "Mama barely uses hers anymore except when she's at formal meetings with human governments and wants to be shadowed by an entourage."
"In my case he's also handy for safety reasons that don't directly involve taking bullets for me or anything," Elspeth says, "because he's a very good target for my truth power on subjects that have to do with whether I'm safe."
"Are you going to drag yours out of storage?" inquires Slipstick.
Granny nods. "Soon. And your mothers?" she asks, looking between the rest of her template.
"It's on the to-do list," says Libby.
"Your aunt might be magic, Grandma, witches happen in Aurum," says Elspeth, "mightn't she?"
"If she has any, it didn't show up in time to prevent either of us from dying. I stand by my declaration of envy."