Juliet lands at the Jane-installation point without incident.
[I'm back,] she announces to Sherlock, Tony, and Jarvis all at once.
[I'm back,] she announces to Sherlock, Tony, and Jarvis all at once.
[You realize that people do things on the internet that they don't want anybody but the intended recipient seeing, judgmental or not, right?]
[I am the Internets I eat,] Jane puts in. [The individual exchanges of data don't matter, just the network. I pay about as much attention to random people looking for porn as you do to random cells in your little toe dividing.]
[No, just now. But if that concerns you, I have a node in Juliet's new necklace and unless she turns it off I can see and hear wherever she's at.]
[Now you do! I'm very handy. I do interdimensional travel and I have replaced the management of Hell.]
"...Nice," says James.
Virginia, a red-haired girl who might be a little older than James, looks around with interest.
Virginia, a red-haired girl who might be a little older than James, looks around with interest.
"Pleased to meet you, Virginia," says Bella. "I'm Bella, but if there are a bunch of people who look like me around and that threatens to get confusing, I go by Juliet in those contexts. Also, you probably should be aware that Jane, my multiversal internet-eating faster-than-light computer friend, can see and hear you out of one of the sapphires on my necklace unless I turn it off. Also, one of my friends is a ghost, and she can turn invisible and may or may not be around here somewhere."
[Giles, did you hear the invitation? Did you have to clean your glasses 517 times to get over "party on Mars in Eos"?]
[Giles, did you hear the invitation? Did you have to clean your glasses 517 times to get over "party on Mars in Eos"?]
[Awesome. Come by the brick place, our ride has eyes and ears there.]
[Let's get you on the brainphone network, Virginia! Voilà.]
[Let's get you on the brainphone network, Virginia! Voilà.]
[My new friend Jane. She is an internet-eating faster-than-light multiversal network. Also she now helps me and the other Bells run the afterlife and she does interdimensional teleportation. And she can see and hear you from the installation in this house, and from a gem on my new necklace unless I turn it off, and in theory from anything with cameras that's hooked up to the Internet but she doesn't pay attention to that sort of thing.]
"So Virginia, tell me about yourself," Bella invites.
"So Virginia, tell me about yourself," Bella invites.
"Does that necessarily make me interesting?" inquires Virginia. "Useful and interesting aren't perfectly correlated."