[I'm back,] she announces to Sherlock, Tony, and Jarvis all at once.
[Somehow that is not the most comforting thing I've ever heard,] James says dryly. [Sure, will you grab Virginia too?]
[She wants to come, then? And Jane wouldn't yoink without you wanting to be yoinked. And she is not judgmental about what goes on in the Internets she eats.]
[You realize that people do things on the internet that they don't want anybody but the intended recipient seeing, judgmental or not, right?]
[I am the Internets I eat,] Jane puts in. [The individual exchanges of data don't matter, just the network. I pay about as much attention to random people looking for porn as you do to random cells in your little toe dividing.]
[No, just now. But if that concerns you, I have a node in Juliet's new necklace and unless she turns it off I can see and hear wherever she's at.]
[Now you do! I'm very handy. I do interdimensional travel and I have replaced the management of Hell.]
Virginia, a red-haired girl who might be a little older than James, looks around with interest.
[Giles, did you hear the invitation? Did you have to clean your glasses 517 times to get over "party on Mars in Eos"?]
[Let's get you on the brainphone network, Virginia! Voilà.]
"So Virginia, tell me about yourself," Bella invites.