[Hey,] says Stella to all three mints. [I wanna talk to all of you. You busy?]
Stella finishes her tour of Amalthea and goes to hang out on Mars and catch up with email.
A while later, Alice teleports to her and - assuming she is not doing anything that absolutely can't be interrupted - scoops her into a hug.
Oooh, hugs! She's quite interruptable. Email is an asynchronous form of communication. "Hey, you!"
"Anna made three before she decided to take an actual nap," he says. "She's cuddling Sandy, it's adorable. You wanna make arrows off me now?"
"That could be arranged. You want me to stomp on your off-switch out of nowhere or ramp up from someplace?"
"From...? Shell Bell started at minimum evil and spent three minutes getting to minimum - 'arrow', why arrow? - will that work for you?"
"They look like three arrowheads cuddling," he explains. "Kinda, anyway. Sure, go for it."
He kisses her cheek, which turns into aimless nuzzling, which turns into forgetting how to move.
She peers at his thoughts, ready to abort if necessary.
Lord, he makes such faces.
And on up. Five thousand triangles a second.
There is not a lot of leftover room in his head, but with what there is, he loves her intensely.
Three minutes can seem like such a long time when she's trying to keep up with her vampire boyfriend's cognition. Even extremely simple cognition.
But eventually it does pass.
Alice manages one more after that, and then—no, no, this is not where he wants to be anymore.
Half-half-half-half till she's in squares and quits outright, she knows how to gentle him down. Hugs. "I love you."
"I love you too. Mmm, that was pretty nice, but I don't wanna do it again anytime soon."
"Okay. I don't expect to need a lot of these anyway." She collects and declaws them, and the preceding evils.
He's in that mood that Bella's agony beam always puts him in. It is a snuggly mood, and also full of kisses.
Ah, one of many beneficial side effects, along with fascinating facial expressions and the coins themselves.