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An experiment in style, with thanks to Nandwich
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I catch the glitter of a quartz amulet at her throat and then her face and all of a sudden I know. 

“Silvia!” I wave my hand over my head. “Over here!”

I probably should’ve brought a sign or something but who cares it’s HER — 


Her head snaps over at the sound of my voice, blue eyes scanning closer through the crowd before locking onto mine. A fierce grin splits her face, and she weaves through the crowd and charges me, her star-studded purple skirt swishing about legs wrapped in black leggings, chunky boots clomping against the floor. Her arms wrap around me before I have a chance to breathe, her purple suitcase jarring my leg as she crushes me to her chest. She’s so warm, so solid, so there


I throw my arms around her and crush her close as hard as I can. The distance is gone, she’s here, I’m holding her — 



“My treasure, my love, my darlings, I’m here. I’ve got you,” she breathes.


I don’t have words. I’ve been struck dumb. I just hold her, and tears well in my eyes and I dig my hands into her back. She feels like an anchor-stone that’s been missing all my life, something broken in my foundation that’s suddenly, abruptly healed over —

I carefully pry myself off her, fighting the tears and the sudden shock of fear in me, and give her the best smile I can manage under the circumstances. 

“Three years,” I choke out. “I was starting to think you’d never come.”


“Too long,” she agrees, looking me up and down before pressing a kiss to my forehead. I can tell she likes what she sees — she has that impish smile I’ve seen in photos, all the stronger for being in person. “Here now, though.”


I take a long breath and bite the inside of my cheek. She just kissed me

I feel like the world just snapped into place again, like there’s suddenly a reason for it all, a real flesh and blood person who loves me, who sees me as I am, who wants to have me hold me fuck me use me keep me forever — 

I take her bracelet-wrapped hand in mine, and with my other I get out my phone. 

Vixy: Words are so hard right now.

Vixy: It’s so, so, so good to see you in person. 


She pulls out her phone while I’m typing, murmurs “so valid” into my hair as she kisses the top of my head.


Vixy: I can’t — it’s so much. 

Vixy: *hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs* 

Vixy: I — can we go for coffee or something? i want to bring you back to my place but it’s so much right now, I need a little space, I need to — catch my breath, get used to you being here —


Jubes: Just breathe, love. We’ll figure this out.


I hug her again because I can, even though it’ll make it hard for her to respond. I just want to feel her touch.


She squeezes me tightly, as though to reassure me she’s not going anywhere, as though she’s worried I might evaporate if she lets go, maybe both. “Yeah, let’s get coffee,” she says as she holds me.


I lead her by the hand to the airport’s Second Cup. 

Vixy: Don’t think I’m going to be able to order with this frog in my throat. 

Vixy: Can you get me like a donut and a latte? One sucralose, maple cream if they’ve got it.


She nods and presses a kiss to my forehead, achingly tender, then gets into line, her left arm still around me, right hand wheeling her suitcase. The line moves quickly — guess airport shops know travelers hate waiting — and soon enough it’s our turn. 


“Welcome to Second Cup!”

“Hi,” she greets the barista with a warm grin. “Can I get a wildberry donut, an almond croissant, a latte with one sucralose and maple cream, and a mocha?”

The barista nods, smiling as she keys the order into the register. “Yep! Can I get a name for the order?”


“Great! Should be just a couple minutes.”


The barista rattles off the total and Silvia taps a card against the terminal to pay before I can say anything, then effortlessly steers me to the side of the room to wait, holding me tightly while she listens for our order.


Her body against mine is alien and good, warm and firm and shifting with her breath, and I hold on to her with one arm and my phone with the other. Of the two, she’s inestimably more precious. The phone’s just a thing that connects me to her. It can be replaced. My Silvia is utterly irreplaceable. 


“Thank you,” I murmur after a moment. I force a smile. My face isn’t used to the expression and it probably comes out dorky looking but it’s okay, Silvia knows what I mean.


She presses another soft kiss to my forehead and nods. 

“Always,” she replies.


I duck my head in a nod.

Jubes: You’re pretty suave for a total dork. 

Jubes: I might have to revoke your dork license.


She just giggles and squeezes me tighter, breasts squishing slightly against my back as she peoplewatches. “If it’s for impressing you, I’d give up my license in a heartbeat. Oh well.”


Jubes: Too earnest! Dork license reinstated!


I giggle despite myself. It’s just so good to even hold her hand. The distance is broken, shattered, and it didn’t even take a FTL drive to do it. Just a plane, some money, and time.


She could have been on the other side of the galaxy and I’d never have known for sure until this moment.


“Okay,” I say, clearing my throat. “Feeling a little better.”

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