Before getting into the driver's seat again Bella hauls herself into the back of the truck to look for any squares she may have missed.
She finds - two.
There is one that got wedged under the can of gasoline, and another that tucked itself into a gap in the wheelwell housing.
She looks at the last two squares, frowning.
She offers Sherlock one.
She takes down the busy message for Giles. [You still up?] she asks him.
[Yeah. We thinned out the Defenders enough that I could draw off most of the rest and Sherlock got past the others to kill the person controlling them, and then they all disintegrated. But we have literally two squares left.]
[Or that I get ahold of mint powers before someone does. This is a problem. Jarvis can make doors to Milliways whenever; I'm going to start asking him to make me one once or twice a day in case that improves my odds of running into one of the mints.]
[Did we at least interrupt something that was worth all those squares to stop? Does a guy with a couple thousand Defenders dancing in rings around him underground after having them smash up some beehives amount to world-destroying business?]
[What would motivate someone who lives in a world to destroy it?] Bella asks, bewildered.
[I think I know why there are so many worlds similar to ours out in the multiverse,] says Bella dryly as she pulls up to her house. [I think if there weren't about a billion to start with, by now there'd be zero, so the fact that I've met representatives from two nearby worlds while the others all seem to be special snowflakes just means that at least Sunshine-type worlds have not yet dwindled to nothing.]
[I'm going to bed. I'm beat. Thanks for all your help with looking up of things!] says Bella.