[I can't see you, but are you keeping up well enough, can you cross its path - we'll see if it reacts, go from there?]
[Shit, are you okay -] Bella makes a jump for it and manages to land on its back. It doesn't seem to care. It doesn't slow down.
[I am less certain that engaging is wise,] he says, but he picks himself up off the ground and chases after them both.
She swings around its shoulders to try from another angle.
It grabs her off of it, hurls her to the ground, and steps on her in its unslowed quest for the school.
She doesn't move.
"Hello?" Charlie says to the phone.
"Bella has encountered some trouble. She is alive, and will almost certainly be fine, but she needs to be taken to the hospital. Please arrange for an ambulance at Chester and Oak; you can most likely prompt faster reaction than I."
He sets the handset of the landline down on the counter and radios for an ambulance, barking orders at the paramedics.
When it's on his way, he picks up the phone again. "Who are you and what happened to my daughter?"
"My name is Jarvis. She ran afoul of a Sunnydale hazard, which has since been neutralized."
"Sherlock is with her. He doesn't have a phone and hers may be broken, so he contacted me through other means."
Charlie hangs up and gets in his car to catch up to the ambulance.
Meanwhile, the ambulance is not far from the correct intersection. Paramedics hop out of it.
The paramedics load Bella into the ambulance and drive her away. They quite ignore the still white hulk of a demon, laid out on the sidewalk half a block away.
He wished to kill it; presumably it is dead. Sherlock approaches the demon and attempts to pick it up.
It is heavy. Heavy enough that without particularly trying to stomp, its step could leave a Slayer with all of Bella's manyfold blessings from her alt unconscious on the ground. Certainly too heavy to drag away. He can shift its hand or its foot, if he puts his back into it.