They stay linked up for a few hours more, maneuvering between buggers and fleet-colony and Solside military types late into station night, and finally the colony is getting started on building houses.
Amusingly, they're going to build one house, and then some bugger workers are going to build more the same for them as shown, while the humans work on securing their food supply - they can't use unmodified bugger crops.
It reminds Aegis of showing her critters things and then watching them pick up the tools themselves and continue.
The buggers were by far the most puzzling and difficult critter-people but now they're hers, her little sisters, even if she has to share with some other people.
She pushes that at Sue, when they're all done, when they're out of link except for just the two of them and she can't quite reconcile herself to being in her own comparatively small and slow brain just yet, when they're on their way back to their room.
So far everything's pretty calm in the colony on the bugger world. There haven't been any transmissions besides the ones to confirm that the ansible still works since the top admirals started sending messages about having completed negotiations, which I'm assuming means that time was when negotiations were completed for the day. And you're both going to be made admirals and given jobs negotiating with buggers.
Here Ends This Thread