Well, they're sending all their messages through me, Jane explains. It'd be like Sue trying to relay something without looking at it. I don't have to pay a lot of attention, though.
To start, I want to know anything the colony on the bugger homeworld says to anybody on this end. The other colonies are interesting too, but only if they send something out of the ordinary - the bugger world one is the one that needs the most watching. I want to know if they're in trouble, if they're having issues getting along with the buggers, and especially if they don't want to send any piece of information through Sue - it's one thing if he's asleep so they use the ansible, it's another if he's available and they're going around him. Pause. Big sister indeed.
So far everything's pretty calm in the colony on the bugger world. There haven't been any transmissions besides the ones to confirm that the ansible still works since the top admirals started sending messages about having completed negotiations, which I'm assuming means that time was when negotiations were completed for the day. And you're both going to be made admirals and given jobs negotiating with buggers.