Maybe, says Jane. I don't know. The fantasy game is part of my history and you're special to it but I don't think that explains the-part-of-me-that-chose-to-absorb-it.
Well, says Aegis, what could? The nets didn't suddenly increase in complexity recently, and you seem to be largely computer-based...
Why do you have a bandwidth problem? Jane asks Aegis. Is that because your mutation makes it hard for you to link with Sue?
Yeah. I can pretty easily get my wall down enough to send words. If I work a little harder I can do simple feelings or senses. I definitely can't do a complete dump of my brain like you guys basically did.
I - focus on the fact that Sue's my bird. The bird from the game. It's just a habit now but originally we didn't spend much time together in person, and I was reminding myself that I actually knew him pretty well, just, as a bird.
Jane does too, but she's still not sure how this explains the-part-of-her-that-absorbed-the-
Do you think that my having to make an effort to link means that there's some kind of - residue? Debris? Some less value-loaded word for extra stuff that happens when I make the effort beyond just me and Sue being able to talk?
There's nothing about things like me anywhere in any of the computers that connects to an ansible at any remove, Jane says. I only know things that I can find on computers and what you've told me.
...Well, says Aegis. Bandwidth problem notwithstanding I have the impression that you're a merger of both the fantasy game and the thing that swallowed it, so even if we're only special to the fantasy game and not to your other, unexplained historical branch, we're still something.
Do I call you Mom and Dad now? Jane wants to know. Or I can call you Aegis and Sue, or whatever. Is Ivy my aunt?
Let's stick with names and save figuring out the family tree for when we know more about you, Aegis says.
Didn't you come from a world where everyone's got daemons? If Sue were my dad in that world would that make you my aunt, there?
Aegis considers this a pointless exercise for the time being. So you can look at everything on all computers connected to ansibles, and you can send sourceless emails. What else can you do?