"Not an us. A Sherlock. Or maybe a Tony but I think a Sherlock, there, see? Sherlock!" calls Shell Bell brightly in that direction.
"Hi! I'm Shell Bell and this is Bella but we call her Juliet 'cause there are lots of Bellas and this is another Sherlock and this is a Tony - they're not a matched set, Tony and me were visiting Juliet and this Sherlock. And my girlfriend back home is another Sherlock too. And her matching Tony is not this Tony, but another one who is also in my world, and you guys need your own Tower to coordinate about nicknames in, really."
Him he does not look away from.
"Oh, stop it," he says, irritated. "I'm doing well enough without one."
"Oh, are you a vampire one too?" Shell Bell asks. "I can't tell at all, how can anyone else? Let alone tell about the soul?"
"By rights I should have been able to tell he was a vampire from across the room. I'm hexing that up first thing when I get minted," Juliet mutters. "But I second the question about the soul. Amariah had her explanation, what's yours?"
"He smells like a vampire, and he doesn't breathe except when he needs to speak," says Sherlock. "And he has that familiar look of contained self-loathing."
"I remember what it was like when my soul was missing, and your Sherlock looks like he feels like that," says the other one.
"What happened in which world to make you want your soul back and mine to not?" Juliet wonders.
At "contained self-loathing", Shell Bell flies in soulful-Sherlock's direction and holds her arms out in an offer of a hug. "I know you don't know me, but I know one of you, and I love her very much," she says.
Juliet waits until this has gone on for a bit before saying, "So no one knows the answer to my question?"
"Sorry," he says, letting go of Bell. "No, the resumption of my soul was prearranged."
"Do you still have your Tony? And your Jarvis, if you had one to begin with?" asks Shell Bell anxiously.