Aries is isekaied to Minecraft
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This is what he can use to cook food! Once he has food!


It looks like the stone gives him more options to mimic his wooden items, such as stone buttons. There's also apparently a way to make stone bricks. It doesn't let him make tools, like with the cobblestone.

It's not clear what eight stone in the same formation as the chest and furnace makes, because he only has seven stone left by now. (And no cobblestone.)


After ten minutes have passed and the morning has come, Eric ventures out and mines some more cobblestone and coal with his new pickaxe. The torches should help him see in the little cave.


The cave seems to have a lower level that goes deeper into the darkness! There appears to be a bat flying around, and some sort of orange flecks in the stone on the ground.


He probably can't eat a bat. He'll head back up and try to kill one of those sheep with his sword.


This might be difficult; he's so hungry he's having trouble walking!

He doesn't find a sheep, but he finds a chicken and a pig. Upon striking the chicken with his sword, it flashes red, falls over, and disappears, leaving a piece of raw meat in its place.

The pig also flashes red, but doesn't die, and instead starts running away. When he catches it and hits it two more times, it will disappear and leave three pieces of pinker meat.

(Both of them also leave the disappearing green orbs.)


He'll head back to his house, then, and cook and eat the meat.


He is successful! It takes two pieces of cooked pork before he is no longer hungry.


Does he discover anything interesting after cooking up some more stone?


No. It seems the cobblestone is what's used to make most of the interesting things.


Well, he'll go back outside and gather some of the other materials he's been seeing around here - sand, gravel, and the thin green reeds growing by the river.


In the process, he'll learn that the water - which has somewhat unusual physics - makes it harder to mine! Also, it appears that sand and gravel do obey gravity, but only some of the time?

He picks up sand, gravel, and reeds. Most of the gravel drops itself, but some pieces drop sharp-looking black rocks. At some point, seeds appear in his inventory, although it's not clear when they got there.


Can he craft anything interesting with these new materials?


The reeds let him craft sugar and paper. The sand, when cooked, produces glass, and six blocks of glass produce sixteen thinner windows.


He'll add the windows to his house, then! And then go back into the mine, to check out that orange stuff in the stone.


How, pray tell, will he get down to the orange stuff?


Jump? It's not that far, and besides, it's just a dream anyway.


A brief flash of pain, and then it gets better again.

There is a growl from behind him.


Zombie. Wonderful. Can he try hitting it with his sword?


Yep! It takes a few hits, and the zombie scratches him once, but it eventually dies, leaving behind what appears to be rotting meat.


He is then shot by what appears to be a skeleton holding a bow and arrow.


Great. Okay, he's going to go back up now. He uses some wood to build himself a staircase, while dodging (or trying to dodge) a continued barrage of arrows, and then goes back up and breaks the top of the staircase.


He has several arrows sticking out of his back, and he is feeling weak (and, again, hungry) - but he can make it back to his house.


Can he pull the arrows out?



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