Elspeth is glad that Milliways likes her, because she likes it. Jacob at her side and a glass of this nice golden stuff in her hand (she's tried the other synthetics; they're nice for an occasional change, but only humans care about dietary variety that much and this one is her favorite) and hubbub from a hundred worlds around her: lovely. A lovely break from work that keeps no one waiting, that doesn't even throw off her sleep cycle because her sleep cycle cares about the sun. (It throws off Jake's, a little, but his is more flexible than hers.)
Nathan avoids squeezing - he hasn't handled humans much; it'd be dangerous - but he is obviously appreciative. He starts down the hall again. "R&D doesn't give tours without notice. They deal with all sorts of chemicals, anyway; you could get hurt. Down this way is the liason offices for human governments so we can get up to shenanigans and not have to deal with Interpol or anyone trying to involve themselves."
"We could look around in there but it's just offices and people on the phone with the prime minister of this and the president of that," says Nathan. "And except for the wolf village, which I'd rather skip because wolves do not smell so great, that's the Capitol." They're currently standing in a covered corridor, between R&D's building and the liason offices, looking out through glass at a beach. "D'you want to go outside? It's allowed, here, they keep humans well away from this beach so no one sees the dead giveaway of vampire-in-the-sun."
When he steps into the sun, it looks like he's dusted with diamond powder.
Nathan grins brilliantly. "Occupational hazard. This capitol's called Safesun because we can go out without getting a dozen cell pictures taken and posted on the internet."
"You sew?" prompts Nathan, intrigued. "I've never thought much about my outfits. My closets in all the capitals are stocked with stuff like this."
One of Nathan's hands is already on the shirt, on the Joker's upper arm. He slides a finger across the fabric (carefully, carefully). "Nice," he says. "And colorful."
Found it. And I sent Jake in first and he spotted Stella. It's in the conference room in the liason offices.
"Ready to go negotiate your release with Her Stellar Majesty, babe?" murmurs Nathan.
Mm. Cuddly.
They go back inside, and meet Elspeth and Golden (and Golden's retinue, though they're going to stay in Aurum) at the door, and they go through.
Nathan's arms tighten - just a little, careful bit - around his mate.
"What's all this then?" Stella inquires, when she and Jacob have been joined by the group.
"My fault," says Elspeth. "I was here, I met the Joker, I could say all he can do is talk to Jake so I thought it'd be harmless to have him over for a bit, and then Nathan walked in and now he's mated."
"Nathan is magically important," says Golden, "as well as having been a friend of the family for going on two decades now, and he will be - at best - miserable for the rest of eternity if the Joker can't - at minimum - make routine visits." She glances at how cozy he and Nathan have gotten. "Which doesn't seem to be a problem of willingness on his end, at any rate."
"I like him," the Joker says contentedly, leaning his head on Nathan's shoulder. "He's a sweetie. I wanna move worlds."
"If something like that does come up, he's just a human," says Golden. "He doesn't even want to turn. So I'll have a depressed-imperial-minister-of-temporal-
"Unless you do want to do the 'work-release' idea," says Elspeth. "In the manner traditional for Bells and Whistles."
"Elsie," says Golden, "the manner traditional for Bells and Whistles is very much not an option."
"Unless he did the minting himself and just turned in coins to you," says Elsie. "Stella has extra mints now, she doesn't help them as well as Alice."
"I do," says Stella, "but handing him mint power would be - eegh." Pause. "Perhaps I should go get Alice."