Elspeth is glad that Milliways likes her, because she likes it. Jacob at her side and a glass of this nice golden stuff in her hand (she's tried the other synthetics; they're nice for an occasional change, but only humans care about dietary variety that much and this one is her favorite) and hubbub from a hundred worlds around her: lovely. A lovely break from work that keeps no one waiting, that doesn't even throw off her sleep cycle because her sleep cycle cares about the sun. (It throws off Jake's, a little, but his is more flexible than hers.)
"Hello to you too," he says. "Friendly locals you've got around here," this mostly to Jacob and Elspeth.
"Nope! Trusty timer," says Nathan, "brought me here. Best time all week to drop by your office, Princess. But I never know why till I show up. What's your name, babe?"
"Hmm," he says, "did I bring another one," and he tilts his head thoughtfully and searches his pants pockets, and comes up with a second joker. Which he kisses and hands to Nathan.
"I'm telling Mama," says Elspeth, closing her eyes.
"Go right ahead, Princess," says Nathan, hovering right between sarcasm and sincere respect with the tone of that title.
"Gonna swipe a set of pamphlets, Princess," Nathan says over his shoulder, "explain to -" He deliberately looks at the back of the playing card, winks, and goes on, "mister registered trademark of Bicycle Playing Cards here, what has just happened." Lightning-quick he's at the stacks of pamphlets in their file folders behind Elspeth's desk, and he chooses a selection and hands them to the Joker like a bouquet.
"Mama's on her way," reports Elspeth.
The Joker continues to laugh, clasping his hands together and hugging them to his chest and listening attentively (with giggles) to Nathan's explanation.
The section explains how mates work.
"The specialest," says Nathan. "I've been around for hundreds of years with a power that has obviously had it up its sleeve to show me where to find me a mate all along, and it waited for you!"
"Well," says Bella, taking in the situation. "Isn't this a mess? What am I supposed to do with him attached to my Imperial Minister of Temporal Affairs? Work out a work-release program with Stella?"
He ignores the talk of work-release.
"You may trust your timer, Nathan," says Bella, "but that in no way makes this uncomplicated. Stella had good reasons for putting the Joker on the asteroid, and she had much better containment resources to work with than I have."
"Complicated for you, maybe, not me. I'm just a poor helpless mated vampire seized by emotions beyond anyone's control, Your Majesty," says Nathan.
"A poor helpless mated vampire who could do his job perfectly well out of the hiding place, if necessary."
"Mama, that'd be a PR disaster," says Elspeth. "Nathan didn't do anything, and his mate didn't do anything here, and what he did do wasn't any worse than dozens of things you issued amnesty for during the takeover."
"Does that include the medical emergency clause -" asks Nathan, suddenly not quite so cheerful.
"...Babe, you need to not suffer any lethal injuries, okay?" says Nathan.
"I've let Dwi know, he's issuing the general announcement to the coven," says Elspeth quietly.
Nobody has told him anything else about vampires. He is going solely on Nathan's explanation of how mating works, and on whatever else he's observed directly.
That's a little odd.
Nathan holds his hand absolutely still when the Joker touches it - not tense, just not trusting himself to move and so refraining from motion. "And don't even bleed around a full vampire unless it's only Carlisle, too, and - Why not, babe?" he asks.
"All right," says Elspeth, and she lets herself out of her office, revealing Renata (staring into space) and Edward (also staring into space, but less happily) where they were left when they accompanied Bella to the scene.
That is not an answer to Nathan's question. Perhaps he got distracted, or perhaps he doesn't want to give one.
"Not if my timer's smart," says Nathan. "My timer's pretty smart."
"Regardless," says Bella, "it's not very responsive to questions that don't begin with the word 'when'."