Elspeth is glad that Milliways likes her, because she likes it. Jacob at her side and a glass of this nice golden stuff in her hand (she's tried the other synthetics; they're nice for an occasional change, but only humans care about dietary variety that much and this one is her favorite) and hubbub from a hundred worlds around her: lovely. A lovely break from work that keeps no one waiting, that doesn't even throw off her sleep cycle because her sleep cycle cares about the sun. (It throws off Jake's, a little, but his is more flexible than hers.)
Stella makes a stocked bandolier for Golden and hands it over. No one else can see what's in her hand, but Golden takes it and puts it on.
"Shall we?" sighs Golden, getting to her feet. "Stella, do you mind noting this in the Belltower?"
"Have fun, guys," Alice says cheerfully to Nathan and the Joker. "Want me to spot you a couple useful things?"
"My healing power for him," he says with a gesture to the Joker, "and for you, the air filter I've got that makes it so I don't smell humans unless I want to."
"...Wait a sec. Is he awake or dreaming?" Stella asks. "I have to go actually fetch him physically down from the asteroid if he didn't walk in here through a door to begin with, don't I?"
She opens the door. [Gonna wake him up,] she broadcasts to the entire negotiation party, and then she leans out the door and expends the square.
Nathan experimentally sniffs the air and grins, but doesn't do anything about it when his mate's right about to disappear anyway.
The Joker, of course, takes the opportunity to plant another kiss on Nathan's cheek before he disappears.
If that's a comfort.
It's not, but he's going to be Golden's problem, now. She holds the door, looking at the ceiling.
"Home we go," says Golden. "Thank you, Stella."
Once the door is closed, Bella says: "I don't want to find out what happens if Addy gets her hands on a mint. I'm going to render it impossible, on her end, and I'd prefer if you didn't try to circumvent that, however sweetly she asks."
"Congratulations, you're a mint, and you've got the run of Aurum," Bella says, gesturing to indicate her world, "and a vampire irrevocably in love with you. Have fun with it. I'll probably want to pick up a batch of coins in the next week or so."
And she, followed by Elspeth and Jacob and joined by Edward and Renata, go down the corridor.