"Yeah. The one she can get to is farther from my barracks and from the battleroom, it's only near classes and won't usually be as convenient for me anyway."
"Yeah. And if she tries anything outside the bathroom," shrugs Aegis, "I can fuck her up." Pause. "In the dream, how did the wings work with the exo, or was it one of those dreamy things where it was there and it wasn't and you think you can get a clear mental picture but you can't produce any details?"
"They had backstories and everything? Man, you get more complicated dreams than me, mine just have baby elephants that are also my cousin who I don't even have and then we're on a boat all of a sudden, shit like that."
"Ooh, magic. Cool magic?" asks Aegis, stretching her arms out in front of her and extending all her fingers and then relaxing again. She likes being able to move.
"You said they didn't have exos," she points out. "I'm sure I'd hold very still whenever I could if I knew I could crack my skull open by twitching the wrong way."
"I would," says Aegis. "I'd work better than that. But - I dunno, were they magic since they were five?"
"This is a silly conversation," observes Aegis. Then, undeterred, she says: "Did you just call them the angel one and the other one? What about the ones that were you?"
"Made of stone?" asks Aegis dubiously. "And she could pick him up? Was she magic-strong too?"
"Huh. Do you usually get such vivid complicated weird dreams? With such funny stuff in them. I mean, even if we grow up and the orientations shake out right and we still like each other and don't just want to be friends, the Westermarck effect dooms us right there, and you dream not one but two pairs of us together."
"You know," she says, "I'm not sure where I want to be in seven years. I guess the IF count on that, so they can just be the most convenient thing to do after we get out of our secondary schools and we're allowed to go if we want to."
"That sounds messy. I could run for Hegemon, but it's an empty title, and even a harmless kind of mutant like me would have a public relations nightmare anyway. And the military record doesn't help much unless I actually engage and splat some buggers first."
"I'm going to ask for my save file and see if I can set up my own server of it or something," Aegis says. "I don't want to lose all my work, that would be really sad. Unless I grow up and decide everything I've been doing is stupid kiddy stuff, I guess, but I don't think so."
"We're accumulating pay here and we'll be able to use it when we're sixteen. I guess it'd depend on how expensive it was, though. I'd still ask for the save file. Storage is cheap and then if I ever come into more money I could see about starting it up again."