"At any rate, walk with me." Gupta gets up and leads Sue to the brig.
It's about twenty minutes later when Sue feels Aegis's mind groping in his direction again, all birdbirdbird.
hi. they won't give me my exo back it's not broken but they say they don't want me to move too much and I move around in my sleep when I have it. do they know?!
maybe naoko's wise to you, maybe she told - they won't let me have it - my chest hurts and I can't move she sends back. but thank you
I wanna fly again too. why was she so mad? I didn't have anything against her personally, you're supposed to shoot at the other army. oh and the disarming thing was my idea but they weren't supposed to close with you, they were just supposed to shoot you, they must not know what you look like or something.
I guess she's a hypocrite? suggests Aegis with a weak laugh. what's going to happen to her?
I mean, if the teachers don't do anything. sometimes they don't. she's your soldier.
I used to try to go without washing for weeks when I first got the exo. now I want to try going without again 'cause I'm scared. maybe I can get Naoko to take a personal combat class but that would only help while I'm in Flame and she is too. maybe I should ask if I can just use the guys' showers. it'd be weird but at least then there'd be more witnesses.
only if you're free then. besides, then I'd still need permission to use the boys' showers or you'd need permission to be in the girls' ones.
I'll ask somebody about shower permissions either way, I guess. and ask Naoko. unfortunately, I tried years ago to figure out a way to have only bits of it off at one time and I ruined a little piece of it in the attempt and now I have to hope I don't grow to be six and a half feet tall and need the extra insert. I probably won't be six and a half feet tall though.
it was only in prototype stages when the project got canned because of that one guy. mine is actually put together out of pieces of a few different ones because they tried not to leave any usable complete sets of pieces in case someone tried them on and got possessed, but they were able to collect enough stuff to make mine. they might be able to get me a handful more inserts if they had to, but my family can't afford to commission more to be made and I'm not sure if the IF would pay for it or not.
oh - that's nice of you - and of her, but I still shouldn't get soap on it. or any of the other things that will mess it up, but I'm less likely to put peroxide or alcohol on myself and I'm listed as 'allergic' to those for the infirmary.