Is "Buss is Ozamanthim and also Woland" high enough context for you?
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"The thoughts run around curiously in your head. I would have said 'but they do not make any sense'…if I was not myself. I of course see everything you do, and more. In this form."


"A higher pataphysical rank…"


"If you like to call it that, yes."




"But…what did you came to prove, here, to us? That…materialism is false? Of course it is, I never denied it, but the spiritual is still knowable. That it is not knowable? It’s not your thing, conceptually. That you are literally a god? Well, it might be true, but humans never believed you are a god in the first place…though you died before humanity rose to power…but the other you would know!
And you are less evil than…well Woland was debatably evil…and accurate information on Ozamanthim is impossible to find…"


"'Wills forever evil, does forever good', as you know well yourself."


"Anyone could say that! What a great excuse. And it would be wrong. Good is extremely hard to achieve even when striving for it.
Don’t lie to me. Don’t hope to trick me. I know goodness, and I know truth."


"Well, who am I to argue with that?"


"No, I am serious. I am not scared of you. If you are planning something metamorally harmful, I will stop you.
Regardless of the attractor, I will not go mad. I will not act in irrational unproductive ways because of panic. I am too mentally stable – "


"Oh course. Your mental stability was never in question. Your working memory and situational awareness, however…"


While they were speaking, and Raz was frantically jumping around the platform, the edge of his cloak, by extreme misfortune, or maybe direct telekinetic manipulation, became tangled in a small protrusion of nearby old hovercar, which due to negligent maintenance and another unfortunate coincidence, lead directly to the heavy car’s engine.


"You are not the mad one, just the dead one."
He said with a grin while Raz’s body was dragged into the just-ignited engine and torn to shreds.


"Unlike him, you will continue to your next life. But just like him, you were not wronged, but given according to your faith, not valuing the continuation of this life."


With few fluid motions, the ranathim proceeded to the conveniently open doors of a gravi-elevator, quickly closing behind him, before Ivan could catch up, or scream something along the lines of "sorcery! He killed him, I saw it! Catch the diplomat!".

Here Ends This Thread
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