"You do until the Gloria. You're with the choir," says Isabella. "Would you like to stay here longer than that?"
"The choir disbands after the Gloria and only operates six months of the year, to prepare for it, with new auditions every time. But after the Gloria, there are places you could go - places where no one will mind if I want to put one little boy there and say to bill the Eyrie for his keep," Isabella says. "There's the Gabriel school. I have friends who might let you stay with them. I could ask Alleluia or Peninnah to take you on as an acolyte, once you're a little older. The only problem," she says, "is that your parents currently expect to have you back after the Gloria. If you don't want to go back to them, then someone who can tell them no has to have a reason to do that. And I can't do that by myself. I have to answer to Delilah, who leads the host, who's in charge of Bethel. But you could stay here or somewhere just as nice, for as long as you needed, if you would explain to Delilah with me why."
(No. There are servants there. They might not even know. That music room was soundproofed. Nathaniel still has the full use of all his limbs. And Judith leapt at the chance to send her son away and pressed a sandwich into his hand without so much as asking for Isabella's name.)
"Do you want to see if Delilah is available now," Isabella says, "or would you rather wait a day or two?"
"I'll go see if she has time now," suggests Isabella, "and leave you two to get to know each other a bit?"
Delilah is busy, but Noah, who is not, says that she'll be available in another ten minutes. Isabella thanks the former angelico and heads back to fetch Micaiah and Nathaniel and see how they're doing.
"Delilah will be able to see us in a few minutes," she says.
"Hi, Isabella, Micaiah - who's this?" Delilah asks.
"This is Nathaniel. It turns out," Isabella says carefully, "that he's Micaiah's brother."
"Isabella, the historical references aren't actually helpful."
"Sorry. But, Micaiah ran away. And he had reasons. And it occurred to me just the other day that he might have siblings - and I found that he did. I've put Nathaniel in Baruch's children's choir for now but that will only hold until the Gloria, and it doesn't give me an excuse to bar visitation if they take it into their heads to visit."
Delilah glances gravely between Micaiah and Nathaniel, clearly expecting elaboration.