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Matilda meets Fëanáro in Valinor
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"It's not really what I believe, it's more how I feel. But yeah."


"It sounds like a really sad way to feel. Can I hug you again?"





"I think you're a good person and I'm glad you exist. It was hard and scary being here and not knowing hardly anything about where I was and having that awful headache, and you helped and made it good and fun instead. And I want to be your friend and invent lots of great things with you."


"Well all of that's easy to do, at least. And we've already invented a lot of things and it's only been two days, so right now I am pretty okay."


"That's good. I'm glad you're okay right now."


"And if we keep inventing cool things I'll keep being okay."


"I will help you invent lots of cool things."


"Are we satisfied with this alphabet? If so we should decide how we're going to get everyone to adopt it."


"Do you think other people would be as excited about encyclopedias as you are? Or - the encyclopedia is really long, maybe our first translation project should be something shorter. Oh! Do you know anyone else who might have fun or be useful helping us test the alphabet and decide if we're satisfied with it and improve it if we aren't?"


'Only people who work for my father and right now I'm mad at all of them. Your mother, maybe?"


"I'll ask Jenny, then."

She finds Jenny. Jenny learns the latest iteration of the alphabet and declares it beautiful and easy to write in and all of its characters distinguishable from the rest.


"Good so now we just have to introduce it to everyone. Should we give a speech?"


"Maybe. Is that what people do when they invent new exciting things everyone shoud know about? I was thinking we could invent typewriters and write some books with the typewriters and then give people the books, but actually maybe we should tell people about the alphabet before we do that."


"It could take us a Year to write all those books, I think. Then everyone else will be behind. A speech might be the wrong approach - maybe an art exhibit?"


"Ooh! How would you loan the word 'calligraphy' into Quenya?" she wonders, with an osanwë summary of the concept. "We could write down words and sentences and people's names all pretty and then people would want to learn how to write so they could do that too!"


"That's exactly the sort of thing that'll work! calligraphy. caliñafië? I don't particularly like that, let's think of something better..."


"It sounds all right but I bet we can do better..." She suggests a few variants.


"Normally I wouldn't invent words this fast, it's such an important job! But we're going to need so many of them..."


"Yeah. Well, we can come up with ones that we think sound good, and other people can invent alternatives if they disagree, and people will use the one they like best, and I think it'll work out okay."


"But what if there are lots of words for the same thing and it's confusing and makes it hard for people to learn from each other?"


"There's lots of different words for the same or really similar things in English, and I think it's a nice way for a language to be. It could confuse people but mostly it doesn't. Are Eldar more easily confused?"


"We love inventing words and have lots and lots of words for very closely related things and sometimes for the same one with different emphases. But it's all deliberate."


"Oh. That's different from what I'm used to but I think it's also a nice way for a language to be..."


"Your language is nice but not very Eldarin at all, you can tell just by listening to it that you're a different kind of being."

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