"That I won't dispute," says Bella. "It's not like most people have enough stuff to make that hard."
"I really don't otherwise see the point of being a space empress. I have so much magic that traditional megalomania would be easy and boring."
"Nah, there's probably one of me out there who's also a space empress instead of just an earthly empress like Golden currently is, and she could easily be nicer," contradicts Bella.
"Thanks," says Bella, floating an inch into the air and spinning for no particular reason.
"Oh, new powers," he says. "I think you mentioned past-viewing, but what's...?" He frowns slightly.
"Geases," says Bella. "Designed so I could enforce nondisclosure agreements with the interviewees. I don't want my PR guy to have to figure out how to deal with 'Empress of the Stars is empowered by cold-blooded torture!' anytime soon."
"It only works if I explain what they're agreeing to and they actually agree to it," Bella says. "If they hadn't I'd have just sent them home without interviewing them."
"I do like for it to be at least slightly inconvenient for me to do tempting massively unethical things, even if I can't make it much more inconvenient than that," says Bella.
"I don't know what could've killed him," she murmurs. "So all my ideas are running along the lines of - Lovecraftian horrors, or someone talking him into killing himself, and I don't know which is worse."
"Maybe he's just... stuck?" offers Lazarus. "If he went to Milliways and got into something he couldn't get out of without help, and no one else came along to rescue him, he might not come out until you can go get him. ...I don't know. I'm just trying to be optimistic. Maybe I shouldn't."
"The things that could get him stuck are probably also Lovecraftian. He carries coins with him; he's not significantly less able to self-rescue than I am to play the cavalry. I wish I knew," exclaims Bella. "If I knew he was dead, I could see if a star will fix that. And I don't know, and there are half a dozen reasons why wishing on a star could fail besides him being alive. There's even some possibility that if I were at all inexact I'd wind up duplicating him while he's alive somewhere in his original form."
"...You know, part of me says he's not likely to mind that outcome," says Lazarus. "And maybe he's. Frozen... in time... somehow?"
"I don't think he'd mind, or at least he wouldn't mind much, but I'd mind, and I have no idea how it would interact with the vampire mate bond," says Bella. "Frozen in time - possible. When I find Milliways I'll try everything I can think of to track him down. I'll bring you with me if you'll come. You have good ideas, you can see things I can't." She sighs.