A few hours ago. So, Sandy, not Anna. [He's an ingot? Must not have been one of the ones I tracked down. What does he do?]
[I have no idea,] Lazarus admits. [But it's really, really inward. It's the most inward power I've ever seen. I'd be surprised if it had any effect at all on the world around him.]
[I will ask him the next time we talk,] Bella says. [I'm... interviewing... replacements. For Alice's practical Imperial contribution. He's gone missing in Milliways and I don't know whether to expect him to come back at all, let alone when.]
[Yeah.] Bella looks around her at the walls of the lair, the ambient glow, the sewing machine just barely visible from the chair she's sitting in and the abandoned bolt of fabric. [Me too.]
[I'm managing. The uncertainty's almost worse than the mere fact of his absence - but while I plan to try it anyway when I get the chance, I think past-viewing in Milliways would probably just get me a smear by virtue of whatever lets it be at the end of the Universe for forever in subjective time.]
[I think he's dead. I think a mated vampire - even him - would have to be dead, not to come back. Or Milliways is just screwing with time in a different way than usual, but - I think he's somehow managed to get dead.]
[Not your fault. Just - that's what's going on in the exciting life of the Empress of the Stars. Now you are updated.] She sighs. She doesn't transmit it through the brainphone.
[Well, the Empress of the Stars is also more or less my friend,] says Lazarus. [So's Alice, for that matter.]
[Hmm. Well, I don't think I've met him. But I could swear I've seen that power before, and not just on the globe.]
[He is from Toronto. Both of the people Libby shortlisted are Canadian, weird coincidence.]
He consults his globe-viewing power and focuses on Toronto. There's the familiar power, tucked into a tiny little flag.
[Huh,] he says. [I still can't figure out what it does. Let me know if you ask him!]
[Will do. That's what you're for, is for magic-geeking-out-with,] Bella says affectionately.