"You realize that even if nothing further comes of this conversation at all you can just move to Mars and eat food out of the replicator," says Bella. "Olympus isn't full yet."
"Yeah, that's what I always hear when people list problems they could solve by moving to Mars and I ask them why they don't," says Bella. "Well, not Montreal in particular, but whatever pleasing city they are occupying."
"I confess I expected the free food and magic public healthcare to attract more people than it has," Bella says conversationally. "But I am getting settlers at a reasonable clip."
Bella spreads her hands. "Yeah, that's a problem. It's possible I should have charged some pittance and spouted bull about economies of scale. But that seems like such a wretched thing to do. I can give it away for free, I want to give it away for free, all I want to do is wear a crown and introduce myself as Empress of the Stars and have some actual happy citizens to back that up - finessing a complicated signaling game to do less of what I want doesn't appeal."
"I'm so glad," Bella grins. "So. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Demonstrations of responsible behavior likely to correlate with the nondestructive use of wishcoins?"
"What do you do with your time?" asks Bella, tilting her head. "I know if you have a job you don't like it; what do you like?"
"...Avoiding your boyfriend?" Kind of an intrusive question, but Anna's the one who mentioned it.
"Why is he your boyfriend if you prefer to avoid him, is more what had me confused," says Bella.
"He's kind of hard to break up with?" she says. "I mean, it's not like he stalks me or anything, it's just we've been together for a while and there's always more of each other's stuff to give back and then he brings me flowers and we end up accidentally on another date and... why am I telling an empress about my love life," she laughs. "Sorry."
"That's... not actually an asset, if I hire you and then anyone figures out what your job is in spite of the fact that you can't tell them," Bella points out.
"Not necessarily him, but you did just describe yourself as a pushover; I think the concern is reasonable," says Bella.
"I'm afraid that someone - not necessarily Davey, could be a neighbor or a family member or a friend - will figure out what you do for a living. Or will just notice that everything is suddenly working out a lot nicer for you and determine that you have something going on. We can arrange for you to be unable to distribute coins, some small mercy, but I can't think of an unintrusive way to make sure the people in your life can't have leading conversations with you about what they'd do with magic or about my politics or about how they really don't like that one guy down the street or whatever. Even if we set it up so all the coins you make teleport to my stash instantaneously and I give you an allowance, instead of the setup where you've got a quota to manage on your own or with my help and can keep the excess... you'll have some access to magic, or I shouldn't be trusting you with mint powers in the first place."