"Yes. Yes it is." She mentally consults the time; it is nowhere near her appointment with Anna. "What else would you like to know? Or tell me, for that matter? If you had as many wishes as you were willing to suffer through the requisite discomfort for, as opposed to the traditional three..." She shrugs. "What would you wish for?"
"If I had unlimited magic to throw around... I'd want a planet," he decides. "I don't know whether I'd make it or find one I liked and move in. But I'd have my own planet, and I'd live there and just make stuff all the time." As an afterthought, "I'd give myself magic Internet, too. You can do that, right?"
"Olympus has magic internet free to all residents with internet-friendly devices," agrees Bella. "It was easier to just make my own ISP than to figure out how to wire the place traditionally. I have not yet taken the step of installing a web browser in my brain, but it's occurred to me. A planet's kind of big for one person. Why a planet and not a moon or an asteroid?"
"Because I'd want to make big things," he says, gesturing expansively. "Mountain ranges. Floating castles. There's only so many of those you can fit on a moon before it starts getting crowded."
"I have a castle on the moon," muses Bella. "It doesn't float. It doesn't take up that much room, either."
"I could start with a moon, I guess," he says. Half-smiling: "If you don't want me crowding up too much of your solar system with my crap."
Bella waves a hand. "I'm going to colonize the entire galaxy. Giving one person who's helping me do that proprietorship of Mercury or permission to occupy some currently unoccupied solar orbital shell with a new planet isn't a big deal. If I hire you and you stay on long enough."
"...Okay," he decides. "Sure. I can just email you if I think of any really urgent questions, right?"
He hasn't even sipped his orange juice, although it's still in his hand. He does that now.
Usually she'd kill the spare hour flying or designing cities or something.
Today -
She takes a nap that is exactly one hour long.
In Alice's bed, in Alice's lair.
And then she wakes up and triangles her hair presentable and teleports invisibly to Montreal.
"My fault," says Bella. A triangle from biting the inside of her lip snugs the dropped bits and attachs the hairtie. "There you go. For future reference, what kind of warning do you want?"
Bella explains the non-disclosure agreement just the same way as she did for Sandy.