It happens one day that she attempts to read Alice, thinking it about time to top off her supply of coins - and besides, even if it weren't, she does like to spend time with her boyfriend - and - he's not there.
Her first reaction is panic. She has known from the beginning that a contest between them would come down to reaction time. Did she screw up by introducing him to Ghosty - did something else happen - does some switch trip in the relevant template at a certain age, is hers decent only because he's young - has he blocked her off with his considerable power and begun to wreak havoc?
But of course there's a much more reasonable explanation. He's in Milliways, that's all, he found a door and wandered off without thinking to notify her.
Because visits to Milliways take only moments worldside. This has been true even when they've been into other's worlds: the door is at a very narrow slice of time except when held open.
But she checks again a minute later.
And he's still not there.
Is he dead? Did he think of - stumble across - cook up some way to die that would be so fascinating that he had to try it right then, without consulting her, without thinking of her and how it would hurt her at all, without knowing if stars can revive the dead -
Or did he, somehow, in spite of what is now magically bolstered love for her -
Decide not to come back at all?
She's getting ahead of herself. She can find out if he went to Milliways or not. She -
Stops before completing her wish.
If he's gone - if he's not coming back soon, or at all - then she has to work at least for a while with the coins she already has.
She will not spend a pentagon to see this one snippet of the past. She will spend a hex to gain past-viewing as a stable power she can use whenever she wants. If she chooses the right powers to make with her current supply of hexes, she may be able to coast for many years with almost no individual wishes larger than a square. Now that she has the template of Olympus to draw on she's sure she could find a way to compress wishes for more cities - maybe even planetsful of cities - into single stars, and she has a lot of stars from the days Alice spent turning.
And there have got to be other masochists in the world. Some might be comparable, or people like Shell Bell's Sherlock who'll willingly be made so.
Her empire will go on just fine.
Bella's just not sure - when she's finished designing and installing the power, when she's finished watching Alice casually walk through the kitchen door in his lair to Milliways instead and not come out - whether she will.
All right, I'll see you then.
Sunday's a few days away. She avoids using too much of her stash, although on Cygnus she eliminates as many forms of cancer as she can fit onto a single star-wish.
Works for me.
She'll go see Sandy first; she can go at noon sharp and if she hasn't decided on him one way or another by the time she needs to go visit Anna she can schedule another.
[Yep,] says Libby. [These things happen when you take a very small sample from a very small sample of a very large set.]
On Sunday, at noon sharp, Bella turns invisible and teleports to Sandy's location to scope the place out and make sure he's as ready as he claimed.
On Sunday at noon sharp, Sandy is in his apartment, which is small and poorly maintained and generally a mess. He's just pouring himself a glass of orange juice in his tiny kitchen.
Bella returns to visibility once he's no longer pouring. "Hello," she says. "Ready to go? You can bring your juice if you like."
"Bguk," splutters Sandy. "Whoa. Um. Hi! Yeah, I... guess...?" Purely on automatic, he picks up the glass.
"Hi," says Bella, amused in spite of herself, and she teleports them and the orange juice to a suitable room for interviews in Marspire. "Welcome to Olympus."
"Isn't it nice?" Bella says, affecting a chatty tone. She has decided not to tell anyone that she is - was? - has been known to be dating the previous occupant of the job they're interviewing for, so acting bereft will not serve her. "I'm very pleased with the place. Now. The note you got and the interview you had with my personnel officer didn't tell you what this is all about, did they?"
"Ideally, I'd like it to stay that way to the general public. So, should you agree to continue the interview, it will be under a non-disclosure agreement." Pause. "An enforced non-disclosure agreement. If you're not willing to be literally unable to discuss the rest of what we talk about today, then I'll teleport you - and your remaining orange juice - back home and that'll be that."
"...Um..." he says, "...yeah, you're not gonna answer any of the like a million questions I suddenly have until I agree to your magic thingy, are you."
"Grand," she says. Unobtrusively, she digs the corner of one toenail into the neighboring toe, and a triangle appears in her palm. "This," she says, "is a wish coin."
"Wishcoins are extremely useful. This is just a little one, but they come in a variety of power levels. As the name implies, they let you make wishes. A triangle like this can, say - flip a lightswitch from across the room, or heat up lunch that's been left sitting on the counter for a few minutes. A square can conjure something - like my crown. Pentagons can grant someone a permanent nonmagical skill, like a language. Hexagons can do permanent magical superpowers, which is how I can teleport and fly and so on. Seven-pointed stars are what I used for terraforming this place. They're very convenient. The only inconvenient thing about them is how they have to be made." She sighs. "Wishcoins are made out of pain."
His head rocks back a little and his eyebrows fly up.
But he doesn't actually say anything.
"I can make triangles and squares. I could make pentagons if I had to. I have made one hexagon and I was not in that situation voluntarily," says Bella. "I had help, someone who could cheerfully make even the star kind for days on end if the situation called for it, and he has wandered off to another dimension and I don't know if he's coming back. I have a non-wish-based magical power that, for the most part, is very useful, but it will not let me edit myself to be able to comfortably make larger coins. Hence the... job posting."
"So," he says slowly, "you... sent a magic note to everybody who could take over for the guy who quit?"
(Quit. She decides not to react to that word. It's the obvious conclusion from what she told him and she doesn't know what the correct one is anyway.)