They go home after a couple of days, without incident. The colors in Bell's hair are fading, albeit incompletely.
A bit later, when there is not the question of whether Sherlock can accompany her unnoticed, Tony finds a door and in they go.
Other Sherlock - whether this is their other Sherlock or some other other Sherlock, Bell cannot be immediately sure - is in the main bar area. Bell waves!
Sherlock's mind is—still, but not silent. She perceives. She notes every movement in her field of vision, catalogues the pressure of Bell's fingers on her shoulder, maintains a constant awareness of nearby sounds and passing scents. She is motionlessly alert.
Most of her affect-greys are neutral middle tones. Every fragment of thought or sensation connected to Bell is white.
Most of her affect-greys are neutral middle tones. Every fragment of thought or sensation connected to Bell is white.
Bell is instantly seized with a need to hug her. She makes no effort to deny this need.
"I love you," she sighs into Sherlock's ear.
"I love you," she sighs into Sherlock's ear.
"I love you too," she says, grinning and hugging back.
This is what she meant when she called Bell a continual epiphany: this feeling like the satisfaction when you set the last piece of a puzzle in its place, multiplied and extended and carrying on into eternity.
This is what she meant when she called Bell a continual epiphany: this feeling like the satisfaction when you set the last piece of a puzzle in its place, multiplied and extended and carrying on into eternity.
Stella slips off into the unoccupied bedroom; it's backwards, but they seem like they might not want supervision.
Here Ends This Thread