Bell smirks. "But first, let's hang out here for a while and see if we can get anybody to give us a teleporter."
The sign is sitting there so enticingly, after all. "How long are you and Tony likely to stick around?"
"At least until Tony is finished... whatever it is Tony is doing," she says, glancing around to see if he can be located from here. He cannot.
"How long does he usually take to make... stuff? Of the sort that he will suddenly decide to make at the bar."
"Cool," Bell says admiringly. "If you don't mind - I think everyone who's looking has had a chance to see this sign now, so I'm gonna put it down and prowl around talking to recent arrivals." She pauses. "Actually - do you want to mind it for me? I can put up a back soon note on a bit of card and you can call me over if anyone looks interested."
"Thanks!" Bell obtains a bit of card, writes Up and about - back soon - consult my colleague with requests, puts the sign back up and props the note on a blank part of it, and goes a-wandering.
Over by the lake door, tucked into a booth, sorting an improbably large jar of jelly beans into a number of small bowls by some impenetrable algorithm that definitely doesn't take colour as a primary feature in any straightforward way.
"Hi," she says politely. "I'm Shell Bell. Panem, Earth, year 72 by our count and something else by everyone else's. Who're you?"
"We-ell," he says, tipping his head to one side (no makeup today, but smudges remain here and there) and smiling. "You're familiar, is what you are."
"Called herself Bella," he says. "Empress of something-or-other. Cute boyfriend. Didn't like it much when I fucked him."
"Well, this one's the one who's dating a younger, prettier me. That narrow it down any?"
Bell briefly considers being squicked by the idea of having sex with one's own alt, but then decides there's no particular reason to.
Bell contemplates the fact that she's currently plotting the violent overthrow of her nation's government.
"Today," she continues.