"I can't tell when I'm coming back," she says, "but it's harder to tell who you might meet by accident when it's more than a year away. Hmm... errands... libraries. There's a librarian somewhere in Canada you should be avoiding."
"No libraries in Canada. Okay. Is there anything else you can tell me?" He's taking notes too, very seriously.
Next is Gregory. "Even if it'd work out like his parents in the end, I just want it on record I am opposed to imprinting on a toddler," he says.
"I am happy to steer you away from that," says Mary. "Let's see... oh, that's easy." She opens the calendar to May. "There's a movie you're going to want to see," she says. "See it on the twelfth, at, hm, ten o'clock.. It's not certain, but there's high odds you'll meet someone there that you'll get along well with, and there's no disasters waiting for you if she doesn't show."
There are a half a dozen more unimprinted mobile-pack wolves to handle here, and then people keep handing her phones and wolves in La Push and Volterra and Québec and on a field trip to Safesun talk to her about their own prospects. It takes a long time. She averts many disasters and sets up many happy couples, and one fellow with an asexual woman who will like to have a devoted platonic friend and not break him up with his also-a-wolf girlfriend.
And when it's all over with, she gets to crawl under a blanket and not deal with people anymore. That is possibly the best part.
A few days later, Bella tells Alice, [Elspeth found Milliways. She's the only local here. Come on, let's go.]
And through they go! Elspeth orders a case of her bubbly to go, then heads straight home, bidding "Grandma" and the others goodbye on her way out.
He teleports across the room.
"Hey, that's my favourite book!" he says excitedly.
Libby glances after him; Mary doesn't even bother doing that. The pair of them return to Bella's palace.
Bella decides she had better not leave him alone in Milliways, but as long as nothing actually happens there's no reason to insert herself into the conversation between Alice and the random girl reading Harlan Ellison. She glances around for someone interesting to pass the time with.
All the way on one of the other other sides of the room, sitting alone at a table for two with his back to the Window, a man with straggling greenish-brown hair and poorly maintained clown makeup is playing Solitaire.
Yeah. Bella's got good eyes. That's interesting.
She meanders in that direction, peering at the clown-Alice-clone.
If he can tell she's looking, he isn't letting on.
"You - well - your underlying bone structure - looks familiar," she tells him, when she's gotten within a few feet of his table.
"Really," he says, glancing up at her with his face tipped forward as though looking overtop of imaginary spectacles. "Never heard that one before." He gestures invitingly at the empty seat across from him.
She sits. "Mine's younger, not as scratched up, and makes different aesthetic choices, but yeah. I'm Bella. What're you going by?"
Then he puts his finger on a card sitting face down on the corner of the table to his left, out of the way of the solitaire game, and slides it sloo o o o o o o o o oowly across to Bella.