"Is there anything else you wanted prophesied? That is here in this universe?" Alice asks.
The only concern Whistle has for the future is how much hug he can pack into the next ten seconds. Snuggle snuggle.
"Far as I can see, no disaster, just Edward looking constipated," says Alice.
"And near as I can tell he would be doing that even if it were only me," Bella says. "Okay. Thanks, Alice!"
The throne room is as before, containing assorted persons. "Hi!" Bella greets her fellow empress. "Brought an extra guest this time around."
"What is his name?" asks the dark woman in the sari-type outfit who's lurking next to Golden Bella. She's casually talking over a nearby conversation, like she doesn't expect anyone else in the room to pay attention to her besides the Bellas.
"Whistle," suggests Whistle, helpfully. Because that's the less confusing one, right?
"...She'd prefer his real name, at any rate" Golden Bella says. "She would strongly prefer it, and I would strongly prefer to keep her happy."
"Oh, she's doing that thing again," says someone in the corner to the person sitting next to him. "Let's go do something interesting." His companion agrees and they leave the room.
"Yeah, there's kinda no such thing," says Whistle, rubbing the back of his head. "Call me whatever you want, or don't, but names aren't really my deal."
"What Allirea wants to call you," says Golden Bella, "is whatever it says on your licitly obtained birth certificate or your driver's license or your passport - the first name, at least. She's got a personal vendetta against nicknames. It's usually just worth accommodating her. She calls me Isabella, which no one else does."
"She can call me anything," says Whistle, "up to and including 'fuck you', except that."
Empress Bella does not look happy. "Er. Bella. Is there some obvious solution I'm missing that will keep yours and mine both happy? Edward, silence till my say-so or an emergency."
"What is it?" Bella murmurs to Edward, and he whispers in her ear. She frowns, and replies. "No. She might not come back if I send her away annoyed. It'd be one thing if he were just anyone, but he can see her. I'd lose the ability to split my guard till I found another suitable witch."
He wants to cry, or hit something, or set something on fire. He feels violated in advance.
"Alice. Depriving her of one of her bodyguards would be very unfriendly, even if it started as an accident," says Stellar Bella seriously, planting one hand on each of his shoulders and making eye contact. "Do you want to go back to the wolf village and wait there and let me handle this? I can handle this for you."
Is she going to handle it in a way that tells anybody that name because in that case fuck everything.
His mind spins through several attempts to teleport, none of them specific enough. Anywhere that isn't here, the Sun, the Moon, fucking Pluto, somewhere that's extremely on fire and doesn't have any people, the farthest deserted place on this planet...
The one that finally works is Bella's palace, not that Bella has a palace here, but there's a place where it would be, if she did.
He conjures air to burn in and starts making stars.