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"A little. If you're asleep, how do you go home? Do you just stay here indefinitely until you decide to try to take somebody's arm off?"

He points at the door.

"If I go out, I wake up." Smiling, "But mostly I don't go out."

"Aha. Well, I can see how this'd compare favorably with an asylum."


"It's fun when I'm talking to Quinnie, but that's only once a week."


"They only have you in therapy once a week, or you have multiple doctors?"


"First one. You kidding? After Dr. Larson, I think she's the only one who'd take me."


"They must be really overcrowded or understaffed or both."




"I wonder how many worlds there are," Bella muses idly. "And how many duplicates. So far I have seen a bizarrely high ratio of duplicates of people I know from home to others, but that could just be Milliways steering me to interesting crowds."


"I never met a single one before," he offers. "Still haven't, technically. I never saw your boyfriend. Maybe Milliways doesn't want me to."


"He's outside with his new friend Matilda talking about... cupcakes, at the moment, but they've ranged over a variety of topics," says Bella. "If you're still here when we leave I imagine you'll see him on our way out. What would you do if you saw him, that Milliways wouldn't approve of?"


"Give him a kiss?" is the first thing that comes to mind, delivered with an innocent flutter of eyelashes.


"I'm not sure he'd recognize you at first glance. I've fixed up my eyes and he hasn't done anything to his; the makeup and the scarring and the decades are probably an impediment." She shrugs. "Then again, even if you were a total stranger that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't be into it."


"Try to take him home, just to see what happened," is his next offering.


"That doesn't sound like a wise experiment," says Bella.


"Why not?"


"Well, your world doesn't sound like the best vacation spot even if it were accessed the usual way. Going through a door opened by someone here as unconventionally as you are? Dangerous. I'd want to meet someone who tried it first, or at least ask the bar and see if she knows."


"Mm. Bet he'd do it anyway."


"He'd have an impulse to. He might also come home with me and collect his present instead. He'll never find out what it is if he gets permanently stuck in your brain, or someplace equally inhospitable."


"And you'd care?"


"Yes," says Bella. "I would care if my boyfriend was trapped someplace and couldn't come back. I would miss him, even apart from his practical usefulness."


"It's nice," he say matter-of-factly.


"You're a tough audience," he says, gently teasing. "I never had a friend like you when I was that age. I'm glad your guy does."


"I'm glad he does, too."

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