"So far it hasn't caused me any problems. It'll probably present a challenge for my future PR person if the details get out, though."
"See, this is why empires are bad," he teases. "Who wants to be beholden to all those opinions?"
"I said I was a space Empress, not a space President. I don't want people to be uncomfortable with me; that doesn't mean I can't live with it and get on with my business if they are."
"Of course you're gonna ignore me, who takes advice from the Joker? No, no. All I'm saying is, if you wanna keep the people comfortable, never let your boy get in front of a camera."
"There's no real reason to," Bella says. "He doesn't even seem particularly interested in being a public figure. If interviewers want to know about my personal life they're going to be politely told it's none of their business, regardless."
"In such a way and for such reasons that I should expect Alice to develop the same proclivity?"
"I mean in particular, as opposed to developing an equal and opposite interest in - say - living without human contact apart from me on an asteroid dolled up in the style of the Little Prince."