"Huh," she says aloud.
Then, to Alice, Libby, Elena, and Mary, and Lazarus except he autoreplies with a busy message, [Hey folks, Moonstone Palace grew a bar that I don't remember putting in, come check it out.]
"If I knew there wouldn't be Milliways there, it'd be yes for sure."
That is.
"I don't know that," he agrees. "But if it takes long enough to show up, I might not care. And I really don't wanna die all alone on an asteroid in the middle'a nowhere, either way."
"Once you were safely stranded on the asteroid," Bella says, "perhaps I could wait a couple days and see what you say about the presence or absence of Milliways when you wake up. I don't anticipate being in a hurry on that time scale."
"I actually don't know if I have the stomach to kill someone when there's another option," she says conversationally. "I'm quite sure I could do it if there wasn't, by the way, so cornering me won't yield any interesting facts... But I could check. And even if I didn't I could arrange for you not to be alone."
"Alice has never killed anyone," she says, "for one thing. And he's about whimsy - not mayhem - and he's mine."
"In what sense of the word do you object? You weren't complaining when I called him my boyfriend."
"He loves me," Bella says. "I can make him feel better when he's upset. I go around referring to him as my pet masochist. And he's mine."
"Most recently? My alternate's bodyguard wanted his 'real' name," Bella says. "I warned him before we even walked in that I didn't want any interdimensional incidents - so he ran to the moon instead. I made up a name for them and went up after him."