It lurks. Oh how it lurks.
"...I'm older than you," Elspeth says. "Even just chronologically. Oh, this is strange."
Elspeth thinks. "I don't think so - not so I'd notice," she says. "But all the memories I have of her, even the ones that don't belong to me from before I was born, have her dealing with vampires. Maybe vampires are more... serious? Than whatever you've been doing?"
Bella blinks. "...Well, he's my boyfriend, if that answers your question. Is that also weird, that I have a boyfriend?"
"Not Aunt Alice," concludes Elspeth. "Of course you can have a boyfriend. You could even if a version of Dad were around, but without one it's not particularly strange to me."
"You'd have to check them first," Jake rumbles.
"Even a copy of Mama herself, you think?" Elspeth muses.
"Regardless," Jake confirms.
"I'm not even sure if that would work," Elspeth points out. "Bella, do you happen to have a mental opacity power? And if so, do I sound... truthy, to you?"
"I have," says Bella, "and what do you mean by checking us, and what does truthy mean?"
"Well," Elspeth says, "does this sound interestingly different: I am five years old."
"So I work on you. I used to work on Mama, but then I stopped," Elspeth says. "Anyway, my witch power boils down to communicating true things. I can sometimes generate true things I didn't technically already know, if I attempt to talk about them to people who are interested in the topic and I have enough to go on. Jacob here is really interested in whether I'm safe, so before I'm allowed to take anyone home, I have to check how dangerous they are by telling him whether they could even theoretically hurt me."
"So, question," Bella says. "Who is Jacob, and why is he so interested in this, and why does he look at you like that?"
"Oooookay," she says. "I take it your mama already vetted this and this would be an inappropriate time for me to come over all maternal."
"So if we're planning to visit," says Libby, half for a slight change of subject and half because this is a very important point, "we should probably get un-dangerous first."
"Even if I left all my coins at home," Bella says, "which I am loath to do, and even if I stripped myself of several of my installed powers, which I am also loath to do, I can do a heck of a lot of damage with creativity and biting my cheek, and mint powers are indelible. This may not work."
Libby shrugs. "I'd have no problem dumping my stash somewhere for the duration, and I don't come with nearly as many extras."
"But you're no less capable of biting your cheek, and if you're less creative it's not by a lot."
"By my best estimate, if I leave my five-and-ups at home, I'll pass the test," says Libby.