She wonders if Alice's mom wants to buy some Martian currency. [Hey, Alice, want to come with me to tell your mom about how I'm the Empress of the Stars and stuff now?]
[Nah,] says Alice. He is back in his lair and has just sat down to sew for a while. [Maybe later.]
And to Alice: [Want me to wait to tell her - and Hilary - until you're available to come along?]
Bella teleports to the front door of Alice's mother's house and politely rings the doorbell.
"Bella! Hi! Didn't know you were in town. C'mon in, there's muffins."
"She is, as a matter of fact! What kind of a something? You grab a muffin, I'll grab the lady of the house."
"A very big something," says Bella. "It may be hard to believe." She sidles in - not flying, restrainedly - and collects her muffin. Nom!
"Okay," says Hilary. "Spill."
Bella gives them a chance to do so, but regardless, continues:
"I have terraformed Mars and declared myself the Empress of the Stars, because I have magical powers, observe," says Bella, floating a foot off the ground.
When Bella hovers, Judith puts her hand over her mouth and Hilary snorts.
"Nice trick. I'll believe the part about Mars when I see it."
"Okay. You could drive there, but the magic door is in the Bay Area, so I'd have to teleport you there for a visit to be at all convenient," Bella says, flipping midair. "I should warn you, the sky isn't that butterscotch color anymore, I didn't like it and I wasn't sure what it'd do to the plants. My palace on the moon might be more convincing. It still looks pretty moony."
"Ah," says Judith. She doesn't seem inclined to follow up.
"Don't you faint either," she says, still floating.
"...Yep," she says. "That's a moon palace, all right. So what brought this on, exactly?"
"Well, it's possible someone will take exception to me having declared myself the Empress of the Stars. I originally thought, well, obviously, moon palace, because that will cut collateral damage, but then I decided it wasn't a great idea to be directly overhead, so this is still here but the city I'm going to be operating much of the empire from is on Mars."
"I thought it sounded nice? I hope it's obvious why I'd want to be any sort of empress."