"The basic appliances run on magic," Bella says. "The lighting, food replicators, and plumbing will all carry on behaving completely independent of any electrical work. However, if people want to have printers or white noise machines or electric razors on Mars, someone is going to have to install electricity. I am not going to do everything for my Martians, just ensure that it's basically livable even if they opt to be lazy. So yes. I think electrical engineers could be useful. I have a tower on Mars that I could claim to live in, but I also have the moon palace, this room, and both of my parents' houses to claim to live in, plus I don't actually need to sleep anymore, so I'm not sure if I can be said to live there. Bridget has decided to move there, though. I plan to make it possible to drive there, so people can bring their stuff, but I should warn you that I might have to move the border if the government complains, so it might go from being as easy as driving to the highway to being as easy as getting to Tokyo or Moscow."
"Then I think I might like to move to Mars when I am an electrical engineer, if at that time it is possible to get there without leaving the continent first."
"So not soon? Okay. Well, you're allowed to jump the queue when the time comes," Bella says. "Any other questions?"
"Yeah," Bella says. "There is no obvious point to continuing. I'll go formally drop out later today."
"I am going to have the internet there," Bella says. "We can write. Also, I am telepathic; want to be added to my telepathy network? We call it a 'brainphone'."
[Isn't it? It comes in handy. Alice is also on here, and some people you don't know. If you don't want to take calls you can block them and put up a message for anyone who tries.]
[You're welcome! I'm going to go drop out now. I've been rudely skipping classes without notice while I designed me a Mars.]
"Hello, NASA! I have terraformed Mars. I will start taking applications for immigration soon and will update this message when I have an office for that. It is OK with me if you leave your robots here. Sincerely, the Empress of the Stars"
Bella then teleports to her dad's. He is not home; she calls him. This is probably important enough to interrupt him during work.
"Dad?" she says.
"Bells? What is it?"
"I'm likely to appear in the news soon. Don't be alarmed. I can tell you all about it now, if you want."
There is a long pause. "Magic stuff?" Charlie asks mistrustfully.
"Yes. Biiiig magic stuff."
"You're safe?"
"Quite," says Bella, smiling to herself.
"I think I'll let the news tell me."
"Okay, Dad. Love you."
"Love you, Bells."
Bella hangs up and takes a moment to design a minimally intrusive anti-reporter ward. Charlie is simply going to look like a shy Kolya to anyone liable to pester him or report on him to the media, although he can suppress it implicitly if he tries to get someone's attention.
Renée and Phil are going to be trickier. She'll want the full story, for one thing, and for another, Phil plays baseball on a form of media for a living...
[Bella? Are you busy?]